Saturday, February 25, 2012

Spend the day with us at the Playmobil farm!

Time to get up and start the day at the Playmobil farm!  There’s lot’s to do; everybody does their part to help.

First things first!  Grain is needed to feed all the animals on the farm.  A worker goes to fill up his tractor at the silo, then brings the grain to the barn (it’s a working silo that really dispenses grain!). 

Little sister starts her day by feeding all the little animals: the rabbits, the kitties, the goat, the piggies… Sister’s chores also include feeding the hens.  The hens hop off their little nest to peck at the grains on the ground.  This is sister’s chance to collect the eggs.  She’s careful not to break any!

Brother helps Dad to feed the cows.  When brother was very little, the cows looked so big and scary.  Now that he has grown, he isn’t scared anymore and enjoys caring for these docile creatures.  Time to milk the cows!  There are two big canisters to fill and bring back to the farmhouse market.

Mom is busy at work too.  She has to set up the market out in front of the farmhouse where all the eggs, produce, and milk of the day will be sold.  She writes all the prices on the chalkboard (it’s a real chalkboard that you can write on too!).  She also takes time to tend to the flower boxes, tidy up the house, and she prepares a hearty lunch for everyone who has been hard at work on the farm.

There are lots of helping hands at the farm.  People are always needed to pick the fruits and vegetables.  There are cauliflower, peppers, cucumbers, carrots, cabbage (all of which can actually be plucked out of the garden), and red delicious apples (that can really be picked off the branches!)

When all the work is done, everyone heads back to the farmhouse.  All the fruits, veggies, eggs, and milk are displayed neatly in front of the house, ready for people to purchase.  Everything looks so fresh and yummy!

After a hard day’s work on the farm, the family huddles together around the fireplace for a relaxing evening of story-telling and hot-chocolate.

Nine new items to collect in the Playmobil farm series.  The barn houses the cow and pig enclosures, and features a working silo that can really dispense grain.  The new tractor can transport hay, and drive it right into the barn, as it fits through the barn's main doors.  The farmhouse doubles as the farm's shop.  It includes kitchen and bedroom furniture, and features a cute vegetable garden with vegetables that can really be harvested.  The apple tree also has apples that can be plucked from the branches.  Collect all the animals, including the calf, the pigs, the rabbits, and the kittens!

Playmobil's BRAND NEW farm series is now available to buy in-store or online through the Jouets Choo-Choo online store!

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